Scroll is

Cryptographically Secured

Scroll seamlessly extends Ethereum’s capabilities through zero knowledge tech and EVM compatibility. The L2 network built by Ethereum devs for Ethereum devs.

Zero knowledge required

Scroll’s mission is to provide an accessible scaling solution that preserves the essence of Ethereum – trust-minimized, secure and open source. Like a scroll, our story is constantly evolving in our quest to secure Ethereum’s future and making the developer experience as easy as possible.


EVM-compatibility for seamless scaling

Scroll is designed by and for Ethereum developers. A swift, reliable and scalable Layer 2 blockchain, Scroll extends Ethereum's capabilities, enabling apps to scale without any surprises. Thanks to bytecode-level compatibility, existing Ethereum apps can migrate onto Scroll as-is, and at a significantly reduced cost.


Collective vision for Ethereum’s future

We’ve been building in the open since day one with the Ethereum community. Our open development approach combines the best ideas among value-aligned contributors and leads to more secure and better-designed systems. Scroll is forging a community-driven path to redefine and evolve Ethereum’s roadmap.


Unwavering security at every layer

Scroll uses advanced zero knowledge proof technology, battle-tested EVM models, and rigorous audits to ensure that our foundation is rooted in security and reliability. By prioritizing code security through open source collaboration, Scroll protects our developers and users against vulnerabilities.


Rooted in technical rigor and credibility

Stability and trustworthiness are the building blocks to our network’s growth. Scroll is steadfast in maintaining credible neutrality to reduce imbalances of power within our ecosystem. In pursuit of our long-term vision, we immerse ourselves in solving meaningful and challenging research problems with a focus on technical detail, accuracy, and results.

Getting started with Scroll

Scroll is compatible with Ethereum at the bytecode-level, meaning everything works right out of the box.

Bridge your ETH

You can bridge your ETH to Scroll using our native bridge or another ecosystem bridge. For a walkthrough, start with the user guide’s setup page.

Change RPC provider

To configure your Ethereum tools to Scroll you’ll just need to point your favorite builder tools to a Scroll RPC Provider.

Build with your usual dev tools

Start building with your favorite toolkit.

Build with the best in web3

We’re part of an ecosystem with a greater purpose – permissionless, flexible, and dedicated to improving the future of Ethereum.


Scroll into the future of Ethereum

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